yarn, shop sample Jenny Wilcock yarn, shop sample Jenny Wilcock

Subtle, Heathery Wooldreamers Saona

Wooldreamers has an intriguing yarn for spring knitting! Saona is a 50/50 wool-cotton blend, all from Spain. The wool is a blend of Merino and Manchega. The fun thing about Manchega is that it comes from Manchega sheep who are also the source of Manchego cheese! 

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new arrival, shop sample, classes Jenny Wilcock new arrival, shop sample, classes Jenny Wilcock

This and That

My Sister Knits has a new hat that we’ve fallen in love with! It’s a good job that we have an infinite number of hats that we are allowed to love! Each new sample that comes in seems to fit in that category!

Our new favorite is the Cozy Bliss Hat designed by Pam Sapienza. Published only a few weeks ago in December, this unique hat is destined to become a fun, popular knit!

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shop sample Jenny Wilcock shop sample Jenny Wilcock

Chic Cascade Jacket

My Sister Knits has a stunning cardigan on display, the Cascade Jacket designed by Lene Rix! Our sample is made with Biches and Buches Le Lambswool combined with Woolberry Berry Mohair, one strand of each held together throughout. Size 10 needles allow you to see progress quickly!

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shop sample Jenny Wilcock shop sample Jenny Wilcock

Make a Zap Cap!

We’ve discovered a hat pattern that is perfect for your school colors! Of course, it will be good for any color combination but we especially love it to show your school spirit!

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