So Much Fun to Be Had!

Today I want to tell you about three things that all tie in together: a book, a yarn, and a wool festival. 

As I was reading Clara Parkes’ book Vanishing Fleece last week, I was so absorbed in it that I want to share it with you! If you know of Clara, you know that she is an author, speaker, and advocate of all things that have to do with wool. She’s also funny. In this book, Clara finds herself the proud owner of a bale of fleece fresh off the sheep. She decides to make yarn with it and follows the process from start to finish. This is the story of the people she meets and what she learns about processing wool in the United States. It’s fascinating and it certainly made me want to buy yarn totally produced in the US. I came away with a better understanding of how important it is to keep our wool industry alive. I highly suggest that you read this book ASAP because you will then feel more connected with my second topic which is……..

©Mitchell Wool Co

Mitchell Wool Co. This yarn comes from a small family enterprise in Michigan. They know their sheep by name. They grow most of the plants used to dye their yarn. The mill that spins it is only 40 miles away. They read Vanishing Fleece which encouraged their interest in learning all they could about sheep farming and promoting American fiber production. We are over the moon about finding this yarn company, meeting some of the family, and having you learn about it also! This paragraph is just a teaser of what’s to come. We expect our shipment to arrive any day. You may be wondering, “what kind of sheep?”, “what weights does it come in?”, “how does it feel?”, and “why is all of this meaningful?”. You’ll get the answers to these questions and more when we have our Launch party! Join us in the garden at 10:30 on Knit in Public Day, June 8th! You will see samples, have a chance to knit with it, and even have some ice cream from Morning Fresh Dairy!

©Estes Park Wool Market

Now, if I’ve piqued your curiosity about sheep and wool at all, and you want to learn some more about our fiber animals, do I have a treat for you! The annual Estes Park Wool Market just happens to be going on June 8th from 9-5 and June 9th from 9-4. My favorite thing to do is walk through the barns and see all of the different kinds of sheep, the alpacas, llamas, goats, rabbits, and paco-vicunas. Never heard of a  paco-vicuna? Vicunas are the wild ancestors of the alpacas and they, along with the guanaco (wild ancestor of the llama), have the finest fleece in the animal kingdom and you’ll get to feel it! Here is some more information on them. The first year I went I was content just walking around, looking at the animals, and taking it all in. The next year I was more comfortable talking to the breeders. This event is free and a wonderful day out! It’s at the Estes Park Events Complex, 1125 Rooftop Way, Estes Park. 

My Favourite Things Beret No. 1 out of Mitchell Wool. Look for samples knit in yellow! That will be your clue that it’s knit with Mitchell!

We invite you to get your copy of Vanishing Fleece at the shop and read it, come to My Sister Knits on Sat, June 8, for both Knit in Public Day and the launch of Mitchell Wool, then go up to Estes to see the animals on Sunday! What a fun-filled weekend!

Reminder of World Wide Knit in Public Day

We’ll gather on the front lawn to knit together. We will probably also wave at and talk to the people who walk past! The mission of this internationally recognized day is “Better living through stitching together”. It’s the hope of founder Danielle Landes that knitters can meet other knitters, form friendships, and find a sense of community. Plus, being an event at My Sister Knits, you know there will be yummy treats! We just ask that you bring a chair, please.

Happy knitting,


Mitchell Wool Co. Launch Party!


Travel Project Ideas!