Read About: A Swatching Experience and Color Cards!
When I write each blog post/newsletter for My Sister Knits, I imagine that I’m having a conversation with all of you. Today that conversation covers two topics that are completely unrelated!
The first one is a story about a swatch that I made over the weekend. I finished my first sweater made with CaMaRose Snefnug and I liked working with that yarn so much that I’m immediately casting on another one! My favorite designer right now is My Favourite Things and this second sweater is Cardigan No 9. My first sweater was Sweater No 18, a textured pullover. I love the way Louise writes her patterns; they are so easy to follow!
The stitches below the white marker are 17 ½ over 4 inches; the stitches above the marker are 16 over 4 inches. The difference might be more obvious ‘in person’.
Back to my swatch; I started with the needles I thought I wanted to use. Half way through I remembered another set I had, a different brand, and switched to those. I’ve always heard that you should knit your project with the same needles that you use for your swatch. When I finished, I counted my stitches and rows over 4 inches. I didn’t take a shortcut as I often do and only count 2 inches and double; I did it properly!
I was blown away to discover the difference in those two needles! I counted and recounted several times because I just couldn’t believe it. One needle produced 17 ½ stitches over 4 inches and the other one produced 16!!! Yes, they are the same size and, yes, they both fit through the hole in my needle sizer tool. Then I blocked the swatch and the counts remained the same. The rows were also off by 1 stitch. I can’t really account for the difference except that the needles are made of different materials. So there you have it; first hand experience of why you should knit with the needles you swatch with! The pattern gauge is 16 stitches over 4 inches, so I’m using those needles.
That was topic number 1, on to topic number 2………..
A little background here, I am not confident choosing colors for any type of colorwork project. I don’t know what makes something pop and look great. Diana is quite good and I usually ask her opinion. Some people know exactly what looks good together and why. I’ve tried to learn over the years but can never remember any of it.
Lately I’ve seen a product advertised on Instagram called Palette Scout and it’s piqued my interest. It’s a box of color cards. I was excited to see it at My Sister Knits the other day and couldn’t wait to examine it. Oh my, the more I learn about it and how it works the more I love it! The box that we have at the shop is for our customers to use so please dig into it! There are clear instructions in the booklet that comes with it, color cards, palette idea cards, and some challenge cards to get you thinking about color in a fun way. I learned so much just by reading the instruction booklet! I think I’ll remember now that shades have black added to them, tints have white added, and tones have gray added. You don’t need to know that, though, if you use the palette ideas card for each color.
You can start with a color that you want to use in a colorwork project, even if it’s just a contrast ribbing on a hat! Or some stripes! Choose the corresponding color card and look at the 5 different palette ideas. You might find a color that you hadn’t even thought of using! I simply cannot wait to try this out and I hope you have as much fun with this box of color cards as I did.
Don’t be shy about exploring this color choosing system when you’re at the shop. It takes the mystery out of color planning!
Happy knitting,