yarn, shop sample Jenny Wilcock yarn, shop sample Jenny Wilcock

Subtle, Heathery Wooldreamers Saona

Wooldreamers has an intriguing yarn for spring knitting! Saona is a 50/50 wool-cotton blend, all from Spain. The wool is a blend of Merino and Manchega. The fun thing about Manchega is that it comes from Manchega sheep who are also the source of Manchego cheese! 

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New Arrivals, Yarn Jenny Wilcock New Arrivals, Yarn Jenny Wilcock

Leading Men Fiber Arts

Julie has chosen a marvelous new yarn for My Sister Knits! Leading Men Fiber Arts caught her attention at Interweave Yarn Fest. After talking to Steve and Andy, two of the nicest men in the yarn industry, she snapped some up and ordered more!

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Knit Along, Special Events Jenny Wilcock Knit Along, Special Events Jenny Wilcock

MKAL Time!

“What is an MKAL?” you may be asking yourself! Why, it’s a Mystery Knit A Long! The mystery is that you have no idea what you’re making other than a category. You’ll know if it’s a cowl or a shawl but not much more than that. You get a clue, usually once a week, with directions for each section of your project which always causes great excitement.

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Yarn Jenny Wilcock Yarn Jenny Wilcock

Playful Polka Dot Yarn

Polka Dot Sheep yarn is now displayed on the My Sister Knits ‘New Wall’! Turn to the left as soon as you enter the shop and you can’t miss it!

We have two yarn bases, Super G and Rime. A yarn base consists of two parts: the weight of the yarn and the fiber/s that the yarn is made of. Independent dyers choose the base fiber they like and then work their color magic with their dyes.

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Yarn Jenny Wilcock Yarn Jenny Wilcock

Ready for Spring Knitting?

The crocuses are coming up in the garden at My Sister Knits! Spring brings happy colors and visions of evenings on the patio or deck when a light wrap might be needed.

A search of the shop shows an abundance of joyful spring colors in lightweight yarns. We have solids, tonals, variegated, and speckles to suit every taste.

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New Arrivals, Yarn Jenny Wilcock New Arrivals, Yarn Jenny Wilcock

Meet Our Newest Yarn!

We would like to introduce you to Chicken Coop Dyeworks yarn! New at My Sister Knits this week, you will find it featured on our renovated wall to the left as you enter the shop! We are busily creating samples of this fun yarn so you can see and feel it knit into a project.

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Jenny Wilcock Jenny Wilcock

Announcing Coop Knits Yarn and Books

We have some Coop Knits yarn and books in the shop that you’re going to want to know about!

Rachel Coopey lives in the UK and designs socks, mittens, and hats but mostly socks. She lives and breathes socks, both designing them and knitting them. She loves them so much she created her own yarn that shows off her designs to the max!

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Jenny Wilcock Jenny Wilcock

Ritual Dyes Yarn

My Sister Knits has the good luck to be one of only five yarn shops to carry Ritual Dyes yarn!  This is a brand new line of yarn from Rachel Bratcher of Portland, Oregon.Rachel has developed two yarn lines that are quite diverse.  One is completely from the United States and dyed with natural plant dyes, producing gorgeous soft colorways.  The other is sourced outside of the United States but is dyed in-house, producing deeply saturated and ever-so-subtly speckled colorways.

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