Helpful Tutorials

Today is all about tutorials for you to have at your fingertips. We have gathered ten that we think are tremendously useful and have intentionally included instructions from several people to show their styles.

When searching YouTube for instructional videos, we suggest you enter your search term and watch posts from a few people to find the one you like the best.

Keep in mind that we are always eager to help you in the shop!  Nevertheless, at some point you’re going to need to look something up at home. This usually happens about 5:30 on a Saturday evening when we won’t be open again until Tuesday!  The Voice Of Experience is speaking!

Without further ado, here are links to the videos by some of our favorite teachers:

Long Tail Cast On by Purl Soho

At the beginning she tells you how much yarn to allow for the cast on.  This isn’t a way that we’ve tried so we have no thoughts on how well it works.  However, the explanation of how to make the cast on is excellent. 

Provisional Cast On by Brooklyn Tweed

Leave the waste yarn in until your pattern tells you to remove it.

Garter Tab Cast On by Kelbourne Woolens

This one isn’t a video but it’s worth its weight in gold!

Weaving in Ends of Colorwork by Arne and Carlos

There are many paths to common outcomes in knitting, which is a cool way to say that there are multiple techniques to do almost everything. These are some of our favorites but feel free to use knit your own path as long as the end result is the same!

Happy Knitting!



A [Happy] Hat!


Leftover City Cowl