New Year, New Projects!
January is full of promise and enthusiasm! We get to look at what we want our next twelve months to bring us and how we want them to unfold. It’s an exciting time of anticipation in regard to our knitting!
We can have fun thinking about what we want to create in 2022. Is there a project you’ve wanted to make for ages but haven’t for some reason?
The hat with the pompom is Andrea Mowry’s Shiftalong. The one on the right is Elizabeth Doherty’s Tiny Boats.
There are two hats on display in the shop that have caught my eye every time I’ve walked past them for at least a year. I think it’s time to cast on for both of them!
Is there a technique that you love and wish to spend more time with? How about something that you’d like to gain more confidence in? Cables? Colorwork? Lacy patterns?
Mare, designed by Natasja Hornby
Do you have a ‘masterpiece’ project in mind? Something that’s a little out of your comfort zone? Now is the moment to start! Don’t think too far ahead….how long it might take or if there’s a challenging section. Simply get the yarn, cast on, and enjoy! PSA: we encourage you to make a swatch first to be sure your project turns out the way you want it to.
Walk in the Woods shawl, designed by Lisa Hannes
As an example, I am going to make a stranded colorwork sweater that gives me pause because of the small needle size and, therefore, the amount of time involved. Also, I could get stuck deciding which colors to use. An out-of-state friend and I are going to make this sweater at the same time which will be fun. There will be zoom calls and enjoyable conversation while we knit. I’m not going to let any of my concerns hold me back because the thought of the project makes me smile. I shall dive right in! Are there any projects that make your heart sing? What’s holding you back? Let’s do this together!
The Honey Cowl, designed by Antonia Shankland
On the other hand, you might be in the mood for something soothing after the foofaraw of the holidays. Does your soul desire something meditative with no challenges? You could use some gorgeous yarn that you’ve wanted to try. Alternatively, find something in your stash that you lovingly purchased because it brought you joy. If you’ve been saving it for the right project, now is the time!
Keep in mind that the My Sister Knits staff takes great pleasure in helping you! We can assist in finding a pattern you love to go with that skein you’ve been saving. We can help you with ‘learning opportunities’ in your project! We will happily aid you in choosing a new yarn. We love seeing what yarn you choose and what patterns you’re going to make! Please bring in your finished objects (FOs) for us to ooh and aah over.
Happy knitting (and planning)!