Ravelry and Stash Diving!

We at My Sister Knits are waving a virtual ‘hello’ to all of you out there!  Our world has certainly changed in the last few days and will probably change more in the next few days.

One thing that remains steadfast, though, is our stash. Stashes can be filled with sweater quantities of yarn we meant to use, single skeins of gorgeous yarns that we can’t bring ourselves to use, and anything in between.  Now is the time to go stash diving for your next project!

But how to figure out what to make?  Some yarns may have been bought with a certain pattern in mind that no longer suits our tastes, some may have been acquired as souvenirs or just because we fell in love with them. Find that yarn you have always wanted to use and let’s get going!

This is where Ravelry comes in to save the day like a knight on a white charger!  Here’s what to do:

  • Open Ravelry to the Home page

  • Click on patterns

  • Click on pattern browser & advanced search

This will bring you to a page with several filter boxes on the left side.  These can be arranged in any order. Scroll up and down to find the filters you want.  The filters can be applied in any order you wish.

  • Find the weight filter and choose the appropriate one

  • Find the craft filter and choose the appropriate one

  • Find the yardage filter and do the same

  • In the availability filter, choose Ravelry download

These are the basic filters that will show you all of the patterns available for your yarn and yardage.  You can play around with other filters also!

So, say you have a scrumptious skein of fingering weight yarn with 430 yards.  By applying these filters, you will find 489 pages of designs!

A lot of these patterns are socks and suppose you don’t knit socks.  There’s a way to remove them:

  • Find the category filter

  • Choose accessories

  • Choose feet/legs, socks, and finally all socks

  • Go back over to the category filter and click on the drop down menu at the bottom

  • Choose NOT: exclude all of these

Just like magic, all of the sock designs have disappeared and you now have only 257 pages of patterns!  You can keep applying filters to gradually show only designs that you are interested in.

Ta Da!  You now know how to find a pattern perfect for your yarn!

During this time, My Sister Knits will deliver anything you need from the shop locally for free.  We will also ship for free. You can call the shop at 970.407.1461. Although we are closed, the phone will be answered.  Use our Knitting Hotline for any questions you may have; email julie@mysisterknits.com .

We hope you are well and taking good care of yourselves!


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