Latvian Mittens Class!

Our resident expert on Latvian knitting, Jeannie Giberson, is teaching a class on this ages old technique!  Latvian mittens have a rich history and Jeannie will undoubtedly love to answer any questions you may have!  It will be like a history lesson combined with knitting!  We are so fortunate to have someone with Jeannie's background and passion for Latvian knitting here in Fort Collins!Latvian MittensYou will make a toddler or young child sized mitten in this class.  It's a perfect size to learn new skills and a young child won't care if they have a mistake or two!  This is an ideal way to practice using Latvian techniques before you commit to making an adult sized pair!Latvian KnittingThe yarn Jeannie uses in her class is, of course, excellent for colorwork.  Rauma Finullgarn is authentic Norwegian yarn and it is 'sticky' which is what you want for these mittens.  My Sister Knits has a wealth of colors to choose from!Two rows of these mittens have three colors and Jeannie will guide you through the handling of that many colors at once!  You will learn how to make the classic peasant thumb and double decreases for the unique shape in addition to a round mitten.  Jeannie will also bring treasured mitten samples and show you how to add cuffs for growing hands!My Sister KnitsWhen you make a pair of Latvian mittens, you are taking a living part in Latvia's tradition, culture, and history.  It's much more than just a colorwork project!Archaeologists have found the oldest mittens on record in Latvia.  For a quick dip into the history of Latvian mittens, read this article.  For a more in depth but not much longer, fascinating experience, read this article!This class is recommended for knitters who have some experience with two color knitting, knitting in the round, and reading a chart for knitting in the round.Reserve Saturdays Oct. 20th and 27th from 9:00 am until 11:00 am for this class!If you'd like to bring a little bit of Latvia into your life, you can call the shop at 970.407.1461 or register onlineKnitting Classes Near Me


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