Kimberly's 7 day challenge

Kimberly has set herself an exciting goal this week.  And we wanted to share it with you."I love the holidays. Downtown is all a glow with twinkle lights in every tree and sentimental carols play on the radio. But all the while a frantic voice in the back of my head cries,"The holidays are coming! KNIT FASTER!!" I have been searching Ravelry for projects I call "one-nighters" and found a few treasures.In order to quiet the voices in my head I've decided to do a 7 day challenge, 7 projects in 7 days.Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to pull an "all-nighter," so I've chosen some great gift ideas that I think I can get done in within my usual waking hours.


First up, Hannah Fettig's 70 yard mitts. I've chosen Green Mountain Spinnery's Mewesic, a hearty but soft yarn that will have a lasting wear.  Tune in to Facebook tomorrow to see the finished product and find out what is coming next!" 


One down and six to go


A little sparkle