A new Fearless Knitting topic

Charts can be intimidating to the uninitiated!  They are often used in lace, cable and color work patterns.  And becoming more comfortable with them will open up a whole new world of patterns for you.Beginning this week, Jenny’s next set of Fearless Knitting demonstrations will show how easy and helpful it can be to read a chart.chart-readingShe has a few tricks up her sleeve that will have you are going to love!  Following a chart with confidence opens up a new world of knitting patterns.  You’ll also find that charts give you a visual representation of what your work should look like and can be much easier than following a long row of written instructions.  If you’re new to charts or if you’ve tried them and have been confused, be sure to drop in on this Thursday from 11 - 12 or Saturday from 9 - 10 to add this skill to your knitting tool kit!


A blanket kit worth considering


Last minute Easter bunnies